Adding EBS Volumes with Opscode’s AWS cookbook

1. Download opscode’s aws cookbook and put it into your own cookbook repo

$ git clone opscode-cookbooks
$ cp -r opscode-cookbooks/aws my-cookbooks/
$ cd my-cookbooks 

2. Create a new cookbook that will utilize the aws cookbook

$ knife cookbook create aws-tests

3. Set the cookbook to have the dependency of the opscode aws cookbook

$ vi my-cookbooks/aws-tests/metadata.rb
maintainer       "YOUR_COMPANY_NAME"
maintainer_email "YOUR_EMAIL"
license          "All rights reserved"
description      "Installs/Configures aws_tests"
long_description, ''))
version          "0.0.1"

depends "aws"

4. Create your recipe to create and attach a new EBS volume to your ec2 instance

$ vi vi my-cookbooks/aws-tests/recipes/default.rb
# Create and attach your new EBS volume
aws_ebs_volume "new_ebs_volume" do
  aws_access_key "MYAPIKEY"
  aws_secret_access_key "MYAPIKEYSECRET"
  size 1
  device "/dev/xvdi"
  action [ :create, :attach ]

5. Create a filesystem and mount your new volume

# Create your partition and filesystem for ext4
bash "create_filesystem" do
  user "root"
  code <<-EOH
    parted /dev/xvdi mklabel gpt
    parted /dev/xvdi mkpart logical ext4 1 -1
    parted /dev/xvdi set 1 lvm on
    yes | parted /dev/xvdi mkpart logical ext4 1 -- "-1"
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdi1
  not_if "parted /dev/xvdi1 |grep ext4"

directory "/mnt/test" do
  owner "root"
  group "root"
  mode "0755"
  recursive true

mount "/mnt/test" do
  device "/dev/xvdi1"
  options "rw noatime"
  fstype "ext4"
  action [ :enable, :mount ]
  not_if "cat /proc/mounts |grep /mnt/test"

6. Add aws and aws_tests recipes to your node

$ knife node edit i-fff4f8c
  "chef_environment": "_default",
  "name": "i-fff4f8",
  "run_list": [
  "normal": {
    "tags": [


7. Run chef-client on your node

$ chef-client