Chef – berkshelf lesson for dummies like me Ermahgerd!

I feel like some of the explanations on berkshelf on the internet are confusing.
So i felt like doing a small write up myself

berkshelf is pretty much a replacement for the “knife cookbook” command.
The big win with berkshelf is that it also resolves dependencies of a cookbook like apt or yum.
It reads a file called “Berksfile” for other cookbooks the current cookbook needs and what repositories to fetch them from and pulls them to your local system.

I will use the logstash cookbook at as an example
If you read the Berksfile at
it will show you what other cookbooks the logstash cookbook needs

So in order to get going

gem install berkshelf
git clone
cd logstash
berks install
berks upload

That installed berkshelf, cloned the logstash cookbook, resolved dependencies for the logstash cookbook and uploaded logstash cookbook and its dependencies to your chef-server

Additionally berkshelf installs its configuration file at : ~/.berkshelf/config.json
You may need to edit some stuff there to match your ~/.chef/knife.rb file